How to maximize your courses and skill learning for your growth

Illuminate with De'Olu
3 min readSep 15, 2021

Personal growth and self-investment are very essential, but, it is also essential to note that self-investment does not always have to be a skill or a course.

However, when it comes down to skills, sometimes we find it hard to decide on if we need it or not or if it will become another waste of investment made, time and money inclusive or that we end up not even having the time to go through learning it or become overwhelmed from it.

Learning a skill or taking a course doesn’t have to be hectic and it does not have to be overwhelming.
However, before you do, here are a few things you should always have in mind to do.

1. Decide the skills.

Decide what skill you want to learn.

If you have quite a number, make a list of those skills you’d love to learn, decide which is most important to you at the moment or arrange in order of preference, if possible and pick as you go.

Also, making a list helps you realize when an opportunity comes by.

2. How?

How will I learn this skill?
Beside each skill, make a list of possible ways you already know that you could learn this skill.

Would it be online?
Do I know someone who can teach it?
A school?
List them all out.

Why? It helps your brain work faster towards achieving it.

3. What extra resources?

When you have made a list of how, you can find out what extra resources you might need.
How much? Would I need to save up?
What materials would I need to cater for? etc.

For example,
Say you noted a skill you wanted to learn and the how is getting a certain coach, you are able to reach out to the coach and ask how much the coach offers their services and plan towards it.

4. Why?

Up next, you want to ask yourself; “why do I need this skill?”
Several people register for things that they end up not needing.

Asking questions like:
What do I stand to gain?
Will this be beneficial to me?
Why am I learning it?
Do I really need it now?

And now most importantly,

5. My action?

What will I do with the skill after?
How do I intend to practice and master it?
How will I use the skill?

To help you stay on top of your courses.
Create a tracking system to keep tabs on courses you have signed up for, the ones you have finished and the ones you have not finished. It also helps you keep track of how much investment you make on yourself or you have made on yourself.

I track mine using an excel sheet. You can get it here.

The only way to get value from something is to work on it.”
Do not just learn, act on it.

Also, learn to build self-control for yourself and minimize the number of courses you register for at a time.
Learn not to overwhelm yourself if you cannot handle plenty at a time and once you see they are piling up, learn to sit back and take a review on what your next step should be at clearing them all.
Many people are pros at getting too busy and not finding time to sort themselves. Do not be among them.


