Visual Hierarchy

Illuminate with De'Olu
1 min readJul 23, 2018

Hi, I’m Deborah OLUGBADE. Last week I wrote an article on my First week at Senpai Design101.

This week we’ve been taught on Visual Hierarchy using Gestalt’s principles and we were asked to write on websites that illustrate Visual hierarchy.

My case study is the website

Using Gestalt’s principles, the cregital page was looked into. The landing page of Cregital uses common design elements to implement Visual Hierarchy to guide the viewer through. A contrasting light blue colour to indicate focal points, different font sizes and weight to differentiate visual weight. Gestalt’s principles are also used to group similar components and give structure.

Cregital also uses the Law of Pragnanz (Simplicity) making the site simple to view and easy for navigation.

