When I feel like I am not enough…

Illuminate with De'Olu
1 min readOct 7, 2021

When I feel like I am not enough or I do not do enough, I would take a pause and first, appreciate all that I am and all that I have done so far.

I will acknowledge the fact that my work does not define me, God does - because I am His and I am super loved by Him. 💕

So, first of, I AM ENOUGH, ALWAYS.

Whoever, whatever is triggering me — I will always remember that my journey is unique to me. The things I do, are unique to me and I have done well.

Can I do more than I do right now? Yes! Absolutely.

Does that mean I am not enough? NO.

We all work with seasons and times — Never forget. 💚

Always remember to take stock, plan, reflect and take proper action.

Above all, just do you, boo. 🤗💚

Growth, Love and Warmth,


